Crusader Comics: Halloween Horrors
A Comic

About the Contributor

Steele Clevenger, Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director
Sarcastic. Artistic. Enthusiastic. These are three words Steele Clevenger would use to describe herself. A senior at Jesuit High School and a veteran journalism student, Steele loves to write about people and topical issues facing our local and global communities, draw comics, and educate through news. From a young age, Steele has been interested in journalism, spending many an hour listening to her mom type articles for the OHSU “Cementum” on her computer, and being dragged to interviews with dental students. When she was in eighth grade, Steele attended a once-weekly journalism class, running around the school on Friday afternoons to interview teachers and students. Using her experience in journalism and her passion for communication, Steele hopes to be a voice of positivity and curiosity for Jesuit students during such unprecedented and uncertain times. In addition to writing, Steele enjoys badminton, knitting, cooking, and creating art. Visit her website at