What do People Think of Jesuit’s Spring Break Travel Policy?


What do Jesuit students think about the spring break travel guidelines?

For many people last spring break, canceled trips and staycations were the norm to prevent catching and spreading COVID-19.

With trips from our households being kept to a minimum for the past year, people have become eager to escape the clutches of quarantine.

But a hindrance to many would-be spring breakers is Jesuit’s seven-day quarantine rule for out-of-state travel. The rule states that all students who leave Oregon for nonessential travel must self-isolate for seven days with a COVID test or ten days without.

The fine print to the rule is the distinction between nonessential and essential travel. For those who are leaving the state either for a college visit or sporting event, they fall under the essential travel umbrella, and do not have to quarantine.

But how will Jesuit stop students from taking advantage of the rules and travelling out of state for vacation while, for example, popping onto a college campus for a few minutes in order to avoid a quarantine?

The simple answer is nothing. Jesuit High School Principal Paul Hogan stated that Jesuit will not be monitoring students’ travels over the break, rather it’s up to families to maintain integrity and self-isolate after their out of state travels.

“We are not going to be telling [people] what they should consider essential and nonessential,” Hogan said. “We are trusting the good judgement and integrity of our families and students.”

Junior Eliza Collins believes the restrictions in place are important to keeping the Jesuit community safe.

“I feel like it encourages people to make safe decisions over spring break,” Collins said. “[They’re] keeping us safe and I feel comfortable with people traveling if it’s essential travel.”

Junior Kevin Curran also believes restrictions are essential to keeping Jesuit’s campus COVID-free, although Curram thinks the specifications of what essential travel is should be revised.

“Traveling itself isn’t necessarily dangerous, it’s more about what you do with travel,” Curran said. “I think a blanket statement saying these are ok and these are bad isn’t the best thing. If you wear a mask and you avoid large crowds and large spaces then most things can be fine.”

Both Collins and Curran said the most exciting part of spring break this year is the opportunity to catch up on sleep.

Wishing all his students a wonderful spring break, Principal Hogan responsibly advised everyone to “stay safe and stay distant.”


Photograph source: djedj no changes were made