Jesuit’s Hybrid Learning Increases to Four Days per Week

Jesuit will have an option for students to attend school in-person four days per week.
Jesuit High School’s administration recently announced that it will give students the opportunity to attend classes in-person for four days per week. The new hybrid model will begin Tuesday April 6.
The announcement came after the CDC reduced its social distancing guidelines for schools from six feet to three feet. As a result, classroom desk arrangements will look more like what they did before the pandemic began.
The schedule will remain as it did when students were on campus two days per week. This includes Monday meetings, which a teacher can choose to either hold class or make it asynchronous. The only difference between the two schedules is that homeroom periods will now meet twice a week as opposed to once a week during the two days per week hybrid.
Students will have the opportunity to either attend school in-person for four days per week or stay fully remote. No two-day in-person options are available.
Parking arrangements had to change in order to accommodate the influx of students. Seniors will still park in Cronin, while juniors will park in Valley. Sophomores will park in the tennis court lot.
Junior Shreya Kaushik said that the change to four days feels pretty abrupt.
“I’m overwhelmed because I just started coming back two days this week,” Kaushik said. “Moving into four days next week seems like a big shift. I liked the hybrid because I could go home towards the end of the week.”
Junior Noelle Furnanz also believes the adjustment is coming too quickly.
“They should have given us more notice because we have to decide [to go or not],” Furnanz said.
Both Kaushik and Furnanz believe that there should be an option to attend in-person twice per week in order to give students a chance to adjust to the new schedule.
Junior Vaani Bindal believes that being in-person all week will be a good thing, citing that it will greatly improve students’ focus levels.
“I think it’s good,” Bindal said. “It will probably improve students’ focus.”
Some new changes have been made to Jesuit’s 4 day in-person learning.
Students no longer have to get their temperature checked with the CapScann machines. All that is required now is that students scan their QR code. This is due to the delays temperature checks caused in the morning.
Freshmen and Seniors will eat lunch in either the Hayes Plaza or Smith Gym, while Sophomores and Juniors will eat in the Knight Gym or out on the tennis courts. On sunny days, other spots such as the grass on Mary’s Way and the picnic tables by Elorriaga and Gedrose.
Image by Alexandra_Kock