Senior Sunrise Recap

Seniors in pods on Cronin Field watching the sunrise.

Jesuit’s Student Government organized the first ever “Senior Sunrise” for all seniors to watch the sunrise on Cronin Field Tuesday April 14th. The seniors woke up bright and early around 5:30am to catch the sunrise. 

The seniors were invited to stand in line to wait for Pip’s original donuts, hot chocolate and chai. 

“I think its really great, these pips donuts are really yummy. I just had some hot chocolate and overall I think it’s going really well,” senior Aidan Alexander said. 

Teachers and faculty members assisted by reminding students to keep their masks on and stay 6 feet apart to accommodate safety guidelines. Biology teacher Ms. Humm even brought her dog.

“I was really excited to see Ms. Humm’s dog because I’ve never seen it, but I see it on zoom all of the time. Its much smaller than thought,” senior Macy Barhyte said. 

With an extremely large turnout of the majority of the senior class, students were able to catch up with their friends who are fully remote and watch the sunrise with them in a safe environment.

“I’m most excited to see everyone and be happy when the sun rises, especially seniors who are fully remote because I don’t get to see them that much” senior Amreen Sandhu said. 

Some seniors learned other important lessons that morning.

“I woke up at a nice early hour and got pulled over on Beaverton-Hillsdale for speeding around 20 over I would say. I did receive a ticket, but it’s ok now, because I’m here with my Jesuit community,” senior Emma Cordova said.