Why Jesuit Should Not Continue to Provide a Virtual Learning Option for the 2021-2022 School Year

Jesuit should teach classes entirely in-person for the upcoming school year in order for teachers to avoid the difficulties of teaching both online and in-person. In-person schooling would also guarantee students’ face-to-face interaction, which could benefit their academic and social performance.

According to ineducationonline.org, teachers may find it difficult to control the virtual environment, especially in terms of student attendance, which interrupts the flow of class.

One example of teachers not being able to control the virtual environment is when those who are virtual turn off their cameras. This leaves the teacher in a difficult position, as they do not know whether the student is paying attention or not.

Also, students who learn in-person are able to socialize with their classmates and engage in face-to-face interaction with their teachers when they need help.

According to vittana.org, virtual learning limits the amount of time students have to make friends and socialize with their peers, which can cause isolation. With in-person school, students are able to interact with others, which benefits their mental health.

Additionally, virtual learning during the pandemic revealed many inequities in the American education system, including the fact that low-income students and students with learning challenges are more likely to struggle.

Students who are low-income might not have access to materials that higher-income students might have. Those who learn slower and/or need to interact with a teacher in person might have a harder time retaining information taught online.

As Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, says remote learning is a supplement, not a substitute, for in-person instruction.