Google Chat Disabled
Pictured above, Jesuit bans the Google Chat feature on student accounts.
Jesuit disables Google Chat after it posed as a distraction and didn’t positively contribute to learning.
After a year of digital learning, students sought to continue their connection during classes using the Google Chat feature.
After receiving complaints from parents and teachers about the distraction Google Chats posed to learning, the IT department, deciding the chat feature was not providing a service for student learning, turned off the feature on all Jesuit student Google accounts, wrote Mr. Huseby, Jesuit’s IT director, in an email.
Walking into school the next day, the buzz of the newly disabled chats circulated campus. Students questioned why the chat was turned off and how the administration knew about it.
“I was a regular Google Chat user. I would chat with my friends who were in other classes,” said senior Chase Kerman.
Although students were frustrated having their quickest form of communication taken away, turning off the chat did offer some reflection amongst students.
“There would be times when I felt bad for chatting during class, especially when my English teacher gave us a talking-to about how disrespectful chatting during class was,” said Kerman.
However, many students argue that the chat was not distracting.
“I don’t think chatting was a distraction. I wouldn’t use it while teachers were talking, or I would quickly send a chat, so I didn’t think it was disruptive,” said junior Eva Grunkemeier.
Senior Shreya Kaushik has mixed feelings on the chat, noting its usefulness, but also the opportunity for it to become a distraction.
“I made an effort not to use the chat at times when it would be disrespectful, but I do think it could be distracting,” said Kaushik. “If I got a message during class sometimes I felt like I needed to respond to it.”
Despite Jesuit turning off Google Chat, students have found other ways to communicate during classes.
“I don’t think turning off the Google Chat feature was very effective in preventing chatting during classes because people will find alternative ways to connect with their peers whether it’s over email or other apps,” said Grunkemeier.