The EURYDICE set being constructed by volunteers and tech theater students.
EURYIDCE, the latest production from the Jesuit Drama Program, is opening on April 28th. Featuring a cast of just 7 people, the play focuses on the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The production will be fully in-person in the Moyer Theater.
EURYDICE is “about a girl, Eurydice, and what happens after her immediate death following her marriage to Orpheus. It explores the importance of memories, love, and begs the question of if our fate is decided for us or if we have free will.” said senior Kate Goddard, who plays Eurydice.
The seating for the performance is unique, with the audience being seated on parts of the stage, with the performance area both on the stage, and in the traditional audience area.
Stage Manager Eli Parks comments on the stage’s changes.
“Because of the orientation of the stage for the performance, the tech crew will have to put themselves in positions that they haven’t been in before. It creates a great challenge for the whole crew and we are very excited to begin,” said Parks.
EURYDICE as a play takes a different approach then the musical comedy SPONGEBOB: THE MUSICAL that was produced earlier this year. Taking a more philosophical approach, EURYDICE focuses on many separate themes.
Sophomore and actor Kekoa Dowsett commented on the show’s varying themes.
“The story speaks to a lot of different things. It talks a lot about relationships and love, different kinds of love, memories and loss, and personally I think it relates to us, as after the last two years we’ve all experienced loss and grief and we need to rebuild our relationships. EURYDICE provides an outlet, a catharsis with an ability to view ourselves in Eurydice’s shoes,” said Doswett.