New Staff Q&A: Mr. Lee

Tyler Curvy

David Lee will start his first year here at Jesuit teaching Biology and AP Biology. He will be entering his 14th year teaching.

Mr. David Lee will start his first year at Jesuit teaching Biology and AP Biology. He will be entering his 14th year teaching. Before Jesuit, he taught at Central Catholic High School where he taught all of his first 13 years. He is excited and ready to teach and get to know the community at Jesuit High School.

“I’ve heard the reputation of just everything across the board: how well Jesuit does things. But I think these first few weeks, the thing that’s really impressed me is just how supportive the community is,” Lee said.

Mr. Lee loves what he does and enjoys teaching science so much. He says he “geeks out” at science. He teaches science during the week at school but on the weekends and during the summer he works at OHSU in a biomedical research lab. Mr. Lee loves what he does and hopes that he can encourage his students to love what they do.

“Whatever you decide to pursue in life, be passionate about it. And if you are, I know it sounds cliché, but like if you’re passionate about what you do, it’s not going to feel like work. You’re gonna enjoy what you do all the time,” Lee said.

Full Transcript (edited for clarity)

How long have you been in teaching?
This is going to be my 14th year teaching right now.

Where have you taught prior to Jesuit?
Before this the first 13 So this obviously my first year but before that, I my 13 years were at Central Catholic High School.

What classes will you teach this year?
I’m going to be teaching biology and I am teaching also AP Biology this year.

What excites you about teaching at Jesuit?
I think for me, I’ve heard from colleagues and people I know that I’ve had students or people that have actually worked here and it’s just the community. I’ve heard the reputation just everything across the board, how well Jesuit does things, but I think these first few weeks, the thing that’s really impressed me is just how supportive the community is not just from the administration with, you know, the teaching staff and the faculty, but with the colleagues and also what I’m seeing with students, you know, just supporting each other so that for me, just this past two weeks has been really just, it’s really honestly been really nice to see. So that’s really just getting very excited here.

What is something the community should know about you?
Something they should know about me, I would say I am I geek out on science, everything I do. I like I work at OHSU in a biomedical research lab on the weekends and during the summers. I’m always looking at science podcast or listening to science podcasts. I love teaching science. So I’m just very passionate about science. So that’s I love it. I totally geek out on it. I can get into conversations with anyone this way that’s probably something I’d like people to know, I guess.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is honestly probably goes back to that previous question but and I don’t remember I’ve been told this by a few people over my life, but they’re saying whatever you decide to pursue in life, be passionate about it. And if you are, I know it sounds cliche, but like if you’re passionate about what you do, it’s not going to feel like work. You’re gonna enjoy what you do all the time and I feel like for me, science and teaching are two real big passions that just perfectly merged together and I just I love doing it. So I hope I can convey that to my students.