Jesuit Sportscast, Ep 5: Oct 14-21
About the Writers

Justin Bian, Sports Executive & Editorial Board Member
Justin Bian is a senior at Jesuit High School and the Sports Executive for the Jesuit Chronicle. He has played soccer for eleven years, and piano for ten. Along with those hobbies, he likes to visit new places around Portland with his family on the weekends. Justin got interested in Journalism because of his older sister, Andrea, who was a staff writer a few years ago. Although his older sister’s experience was a great motivator, the main reason he decided to join Journalism was because of his passion for sports. This year, he hopes to cover a variety of sports and write short stories about the games. He also looks to interview players, coaches, and fans, so that the Jesuit community can get insights on the sports teams. Justin would also like to pursue other forms of media, such as broadcasting and podcasts. He aims to bring relevant news around the Jesuit community based on current events on and off campus. At the end of the year, he hopes to have published many articles and have created lasting relationships with classmates and teachers.

Skylar Bordonaro, Staff Writer
Skylar Bordonaro is the youngest child coming from a family of five. From being the youngest child, Skylar learned a thing or two about patience and hard work to prove herself. She also learned how to blaze her own trail and follow what she loves. This is what drew her to journalism. Wanting to do her own thing led her to journalism and writing. She loves the art of expressing herself through writings. In her writings, Skylar explores topics that have a sense of humor such as the debate of cinnamon roles at Jesuit or if your horoscope is really comparable with others. Skylar also touches on subjects that can help the world and community, such as doing a mental health column. Outside of school, she enjoys hiking, drinking matcha at The Coffee Shop, yoga, and reading. She does activities that include a mix of being an introvert and extrovert. Lastly, Skylar has a huge love and passion for animals.