Spring weather brightens moods
Spring weather has hit Jesuit’s campus for the week and brought with it happy moods.
Have you noticed a difference in everyone’s outlooks and attitudes since the sunny spring weather finally arrived? Maybe people feel lighter, happier, or more energized?
Mood changes based on the weather are very real. Seasonal Affective Disorder is fairly common, and according to the Mayo Clinic, makes people feel more tired, depressed, and less social during the winter months, which takes its toll.
KGW reports that about 9% of people in the Pacific Northwest are affected by this, and “about 20% of Americans get a milder form of winter blues,” The Cleveland Clinic said.
Though there are ways to manage seasonal depression, the relief felt on a sunny day after a dark and rainy streak can feel like emerging from hibernation.
“You don’t realize how good it makes you feel until it’s been dark and rainy for a while,” sophomore Anna Taini said.
This week, we’ve seen warmer, sunnier weather climbing into the 70s and the campus feels more alive.
“It makes me feel happy and energetic,” sophomore Rami Staub said.
The weather is “rejuvenating,” said sophomore Tara Chilkunda
”Sublime,” said theology teacher Mr. Fiorella.
Similarly, “I opened my shades in the morning, and when I saw the sun I felt so happy,” junior Kiley Feller said.
“The sun made me want to put on a bright color today,” senior Taj Scott said.
The vitamin D, as Feller also mentioned, and the fact that seeing sunshine actually increases serotonin, is what makes us feel so good on a sunny day.
Is it all just in our heads?
No. The National Library of Medicine confirms that the sensation of sunshine on human skin triggers the release of serotonin, making us happy.