VIDEO: Slay or Nay: Season 2, Episode 5
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About the Contributors

Soleil Scott, Director of Videography
Soleil Scott is a senior at Jesuit High School. Her friends would describe her as sarcastic, hilarious, and a fast walker. In her free time she enjoys participating in Mock Trial and being a Jesuit Ambassador. Other activities she enjoys are Green Team, baking, and binge watching shows. But her favorite activity of all is listening to music. Music is her therapy and source of expression. Whenever she listens to music, she can find that sense of relaxation and happiness. She enjoys any kind of music but her personal favorite at the moment is reggae. She is excited to interview and video people and documentaries this year. Soleil took Fundamentals of Media last year and is hoping to widen her skill set this year. She also hopes to learn new editing skills through Adobe Premiere and on Canva. A fun fact about Soleil is that she was born in New York City and hopes to go back East for college. Her dream job would be film production for movies. With whatever Soleil does in the future, she hopes that she can make a positive impact in the world.

Margo Delaney, Co-Director of Photography
Margo Delaney is a senior at Jesuit who previously took Photography and Graphic Design, and now is a first year student with Advanced Media. Margo was born in Portland Oregon, then just three weeks later, her family and herself moved to Asia for nine years. She now lives in North East Portland with her family and her very hyper English Sheepdog. Throughout this year, Margo is interested in writing about Jesuit’s Social Media platforms, wanting to analyze the type of content that resonates with Jesuit’s audience, gathering feedback from students and faculty. Outside of school, Margo enjoys being part of the Women’s Ski Team, working at her 4-9 job as a server, working out, and spending time with friends and family!