Finals can be a stressful time, especially if this is your first ever high school finals week.
Jesuit Media asked Mrs. Hermann, a Learning Strategist at Jesuit located in the CLARC, about the best ways to study for finals while also handling anxiety and stress.
Mrs. Hermann stated that students shouldn’t wait for the last minute. After break, Jesuit lays out two weeks before finals, one week of continuing the material but also a Rep and Prep week laid out for students to review. Start your studying and preparing as soon as possible to make yourself more comfortable for finals week.
“Gather all your materials, and it could be old tests, or it could be an actual study guide that your teacher has made for you,” Hermann said.
Hermann also recommended making note cards from questions on the study guide or old tests, making a mixed practice from all different classes.
“Plan out on a calendar, some little study sessions that are not too long, 25 minutes without distractions, and then take a day off from that subject,” Hermann explained.
The main thing to avoid for stress is cramming the night before. But also sometimes with nerves, absorbing material is a tough task.
In the CLARC they encourage that meaning equals memory. This means that rather than approaching your study guide and looking at everything as facts, understand the story of the class.
“In order to be able to perform on the tests, the best practice for retrieval, for actually getting it out on test day, is to study actively.” Hermann said.
Studying actively looks like using note cards, studying in study groups or with a friend you trust, writing equations on the white board, and visiting your teachers for questions.
This can even look like creating A and B days for studying, switching off between different subjects using the 25 minute method of no interruptions.
The main thing before finals is to take care of yourself.
“[Take] time to eat, time to practice whatever activities you’re in after school, take time for downtime,” Hermann said.
Remember to take care of yourself while studying for finals, you need to be able to recharge to fully perform your best on your finals.