November Artist of the Month: Nathan Hasbrook


November Artist of the Month: Nathan Hasbrook

By Steele Clevenger 

November 11, 2019

“When I was three, I would watch Dora the Explorer on TV, and I would draw Dora while I was watching,” said junior Nathan Hasbrook when asked how he first became interested in art. “Ever since then, I [have loved drawing].”

In second grade, Hasbrook created his first comic strip called “Weirdos.” “It was [about] three little boys, and they got into weird situations. And one of them was a baby.” This comic marked the beginning of Hasbrook’s career as a cartoonist. 

In middle school, Hasbrook took art classes and was able to develop his humorous and wildly creative style. “I took art all through middle school. My favorite art to do was little cartoons and doodles, and that’s what kept me artistically satisfied,” said Hasbrook.

“I realized it was easier to draw [cartoon] versions of people than real versions. It’s more fun and quicker.”

Juniors and fellow artists Ella Jewell and Jamie Turner, friends of Hasbrook since freshman year, agree that Hasbrook’s talent is incredibly unique. 

“He’s so mature in the way that he thinks, and he’s also so immature when he draws, but sometimes he can find a really good balance. He’s like Albert Einstein,” said Turner. 

Both Turner and Jewell agreed Hasbrook’s art is hilarious, reflecting his dry humor and constant pun-making, which is why they seek his guidance for artistic endeavors. “Whenever we need ideas, we go right to Nathan,” said Turner.

Jewell agreed, “Nathan has good ideas. A lot of them are sarcastic.” Hasbrook has been an inspiration to both Jewell and Turner. As Turner puts it, “He inspires me to think less about my work, and just do it.” 

Teachers, too, enjoy Nathan’s doodles.

Tom Manning, Hasbrook’s former scripture teacher and former teacher at Jesuit High School, was a big fan of Hasbrook’s notes, which were always covered in cartoons. 

“He was so clever in being able to come up with some fun cartoons that add a little interests into the daily grind of life,” Manning said. “I enjoyed [Nathan’s doodles] because they would break up the monotony of grading papers.”