New Staff Q&A: Maureen McGrain

Kaitlyn MacLennan

McGrain ‘97 joins Jesuit High School as communications and marketing associate for the 2022-2023 school year.

An alum of Jesuit ‘97, when classes first became co-ed, Mrs. McGrain is the new Communications and Marketing Associate of the 2022-2023 school year. At Jesuit, Mrs. McGrain will be put in charge of maintaining the website behind the scenes and communicating to the families and students of Jesuit High.

McGrain has just started working in the perfect position for her as she has been in her field for 21 full years and is ready to further her career at Jesuit. Mrs. McGrain previously worked for the Portland Business Journal and nearly after became a freelance writer.

This is also a perfect position because she has a freshman that is now attending Jesuit ‘26, which is very exciting. Maureen feels like our school is excited to be back and there is lots of energy.

“It just feels like full speed ahead since the students got here, but I think there’s a lot of good energy. The assembly was really fun. And I think people are excited to be back,” McGrain said.

The best piece of advice Mrs. McGrain has ever heard before was from her own mom.

“Everything’s gonna be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. So basically, just keep going,” McGrain said.

Full Interview Transcript

How long have you been in your field of communications and marketing?

“Oh gosh. Let’s see. 21 years.”

Where did you work prior to Jesuit?

“I worked for a newspaper with the Portland Business Journal and then I was a freelance writer for a long time. And then well, I started here.”

What are your main responsibilities at Jesuit?

“I help maintain the website and send out any communications to families and students. I help edit the alumni magazine and help out with development events. All kinds of things. Lots of things.”

What excites you about your work at Jesuit?

“I like that I have something different to do every day. I like being on a campus, just the energy of the students playing a little tiny role and maybe helping everybody have a, you know, a good high school experience and go on to be really good, capable adults.”

What is something that the community should know about you?

“Oh, well, I’m an alum. I was a freshman the year it went co-ed. So I went to high school here and I’m also a parent now and I have a freshman. And so I’ve been kind of around the Jesuit community for a long time.”

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

“My mom always says everything’s gonna be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. So basically, just keep going.”

What are your thoughts on how the first few weeks of school have been going so far?

“I think it’s been good. It’s been busy. It just feels like full speed ahead since the students got here, but I think there’s a lot of good energy. The assembly was really fun. And I think people are excited to be back and, and, yeah, I think it’s gonna be a good year.”