New Faculty Q&A: Ms. Fay
Ms. Fay is a new teacher who works in The CLARC.
Ms. Fay is the new Library and testing coordinator assistant. She has been in her field for a year and a half. Ms. Fay helps students who go back and forth between Jesuit and Edison. She has experience working at other Catholic high schools, having previously worked at LaSalle preparatory school.
Ms. Fay was asked one thing the community should know about her and she knew her answer immediately.
“I have a 16-year-old son and a dog that I really love a lot,” she said.
Ms. Fay shared advice she lives by every day.
“Listen to all the advice you’re given,” Fay said. “But find your own path.”
Full Interview (edited for clarity)
How long have you been in your field?
About a year and a half.
Where did you work prior to Jesuit?
I worked at LaSalle prep.
What are your main responsibilities at Jesuit?
My main responsibilities at Jesuit are keeping the library open extended hours and then I am assisting the librarian and I am assisting the testing coordinator and I will be working with the hybrid students who go back and forth between Jesuit and Edison.
And what excites you most about your work at Jesuit?
I just like being here in the library. It’s my first time working in a library.
What is something the community should know about you?
I have a 16 year old son and a dog that I really love a lot.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to listen to all the advice you’re given, but find your own path.