Opioid Rescue Kits Added to AED Stations
Jesuit has added Narcan to its campus at some AED locations for the 2022-2023 school year.
Jesuit has added Narcan, a drug that reverses the effects on an opioid overdose, to its campus for the 2022-2023 school year.
Narcan, a drug developed by Emergent BioSolutions, is a nasal spray that can be used by anyone and is critical in saving the life of an overdose victim.
Over the summer, Narcan was added next to the AEDs in the Hollman Family Student Union
and between Ignatius Hall and Upper Arrupe.
In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 80,816 deaths due to opioid overdose. An increase from 70,029 deaths in 2020.
School Nurse Sarah Cox spoke on the opioid overdose issue.
“Fentanyl is being laced with other drugs,” Cox said. “The goal is to help save a life.”
Last spring, two teenagers died after overdosing on Fentanyl in the Portland area. The deaths promoted discussion in the Jesuit community.
School nurse April Gilster provided insight into Jesuit’s reflection on the deaths.
“That came to our attention and we started talking about what we would do on campus if a student, teacher, parent, or visitor at a football game went down,” April said.
Senior Michael Yoo shared his thoughts on the addition.
“I don’t really see it being used because people don’t really do drugs at school, but I think it’s a good safety measure to have,” Yoo said.
Oregon Law (ORS 475.898) also grants immunity from arrest to any person who contacts emergency services and any person who is in need of medical assistance due to an overdose. This immunity only applies to evidence obtained because someone contacted emergency services.
Under Oregon law (ORS 689.681), anyone who uses Narcan in an emergency situation is protected from civil liability, even without training. The box contains a 9 step instruction sheet guiding a user through the process.

interviews from staff on policy changes. He is also interested in following niche clubs and sporting events that many of the Jesuit community may not know about. His favorite photoshoots have been on the water at sailing regattas, and at the beach while surfing. Sailing photography has become a growing hobby of his, taking out boats single-handedly on the Columbia to get photos of sailboats racing on a course. Nolan hopes to make an impact through his voice and pictures he produces, creating emotion off of excitement.