According to the Student Handbook, policy 5.2 regarding Dress Code, Jesuit’s official school events dress code states the following:
“Students are to wear neat and clean clothing to school events. All rules regarding accessories and inappropriate messages on garments apply. Students are not allowed to be shirtless while participating in school activities or at school events on or off campus either during or after school hours.”
Although some parts of the rule are clear, the phrase “neat and clean” isn’t clear.
Recently washed and iron clothes? What about face paint? Or spaghetti straps?
It’s difficult to know.
In a 2022 article, “Examining the Dress Code: Everything Students Need To Know”, by Bella Klucevek, Mr. Powers explained the purpose of the dress code is to serve as a learning aid.
“Dress code is always about, ‘Does it help or distract from the learning environment?’ That’s how we decide if it changes,” Powers said.
But what is the purpose of these regulations when students are not in a school environment?
Piper Lavey, who is highly involved in the drama department, student government, and fun patrol, explains her perspective on this policy.
“I feel like the dress code at school makes a lot of sense because we are a college prep school, but at events I think it takes away from the spirit to have everybody so focused on what they’re wearing,” Lavey said. “There have been several times where friends of mine have told me, ‘I got dress coded’ at a football game, which is crazy to me and it just feels very micromanaging.”
It’s unreasonable to ask students to stay within dress code guidelines during school events and allow them to express themselves without constraining them.
Often, students are told that being a Jesuit student means conducting and representing yourself in a certain way to uphold the reputation of this institution in and outside of class.
This is a reasonable perspective because the way you dress is a big part of that. After all, the Dress Code sets the standard for the students. It also sets them apart from every other school in the area. It is, without a doubt, a defining part of the culture at Jesuit.
And, even if there is a dress code that applies to students outside of school, the problem is that it’s unclear the expectations and policy on how one should dress for all events when the policy simply states, “Neat and clean.”
Students and faculty may be reasonably unclear on the policy when outfits can vary so greatly.
For instance, is it “neat and clean” to paint hand prints on arms at a football game?
Or is it “neat and clean” to have spaghetti straps at a rehearsal.
To be clear: there shouldn’t be regulations outside school hours.