Mackie Malkiel, Staff Writer
Mackie Malkiel is a sophomore at Edison High School. His first taste of media came from taking photos of Legos with his parents iPhones. He latter started to use his parents camera for his photography. He would take pictures of Legos and action figures of Star Wars characters. He then would latter take the pictures and digitally draw on them to make it look like the characters were in a battle. When his older brother was a sophomore, Mackie would take the camera and go to his lacrosse games and take pictures of his brother and his buddies. He has been interested in photography since the start of the pandemic back in the sixth grade. He still is curios on what makes a good sports photo and what makes a great sports photograph. He wants to learn what it means to be right next to the action and still be able to take a photo regardless of what the situation might be. He also likes to play lacrosse with his friends outside of the classroom. He is exited to play for a great lacrosse program and to play with his brother for one last ride.