Writing. Photography. Video. The home of Jesuit High School student journalism.

Jesuit Chronicle

Writing. Photography. Video. The home of Jesuit High School student journalism.

Jesuit Chronicle

Writing. Photography. Video. The home of Jesuit High School student journalism.

Jesuit Chronicle

Ella Jones

Ella Jones, Staff Writer

Ella Jones is just beginning her sophomore year and is very excited to explore the world of media and production. Growing up traveling to numerous different countries, states, and cities, means Ella has experienced many different cultures, and is very aware about how different life is in parts of the world other than Oregon. She is a very determined student, but needs to work on her organization skills. In the future, she hopes to have a job in the psychology field because something that interests her is to deepen her understanding of the human mind. Some things she is passionate about are sports, traveling, social activities, and cooking.

All content by Ella Jones